Murshidabad Medical College & Hospital, West Bengal.
Inaguration of ATF, OPD building, 4th floor
Awareness camp at Berhampore Collectorate Hall, 12 th Jan, 2023
Grand Inaguration of 25 ATF virtually, 9 th Feb, 2023
Grand Inaguration of 25 ATF virtually, 9 th Feb, 2023
Grand Inaguration of 25 ATF virtually, 9 th Feb, 2023
Grand Inaguration of 25 ATF virtually, 9 th Feb, 2023
Grand Inaguration of 25 ATF virtually, 9 th Feb, 2023
Nameplate of ATF team, Murshidabad
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illict Traficking, ATF patients with Slogan
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illict Traficking, MMCH College Auditorium, LT 5
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illict Traficking, MMCH College Auditorium, Oath Taking
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illict Traficking, Rally
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illict Traficking, Ceremony honouring
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illict Traficking, Rally
Inaguration of ATF, OPD building, 4th floor, 4th Jan'23
Inaguration of ATF, OPD building, 4th floor, 4th Jan'23
ATF hand leaflet