All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Bhopal

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The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh was established in 2012 with an aim to correct the regional imbalance in the healthcare infrastructure of the central India. It is an Institute of National Importance (INI) with a mandate for excellence in Clinical care, teaching and research in the central India.
The Department of Psychiatry started in May 2013 and currently it provides outpatient services, inpatient services including consultation-liaison services, and emergency services for all mental health disorders. In addition to pharmacotherapy, psycho-diagnostic procedures and various psychological interventions (including interventions for children and adolescents and substance use disorders) are provided. The department runs a post-graduate (M.D.) training program in psychiatry. The department is actively involved in the teaching of the post-graduates, MBBS, and nursing students. Department conducts regular academic sessions in the form of case conferences, journal clubs, seminars, cine-seminar, guest lectures, faculty lectures and tutorials. The department is also actively involved in research which is exemplified by several ongoing funded and non-funded projects. The projects include extramural (including international collaborative research), intramural, and non-funded projects. The department also been conducting various activities during Mental Health Awareness Week (around World Mental Health Day) every year. Department is actively involved in the teaching of MBBS course at institute. Students get clinical posting to learn skills and the knowledge is transferred in didactic lectures. The main aim of the training is to impart a basic understanding of different psychiatric illnesses, their diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Department currently provides IPD, OPD and emergency services on all working days (except Sundays and government holidays) while the emergency services are available round the clock (24×7). The department provides services of many specialty clinics i.e. Psycho-somatic Clinic, Addiction Medicine Clinic, Common Mental Disorders (CMD) clinic and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic. The department carries out regular public awareness lectures and group discussion in an inpatient ward, psychological testing (like Personality Testing, IQ testing, Neuropsychological Assessment and Psycho-diagnostic assessment) and various psychological therapies are provided by the department. The department also provides Modified Electroconvulsive Therapy (MECT) services as an established treatment modality.
Recently the department of psychiatry has initiated Addiction Treatment Facilities (ATF) in collaboration with the National Health Mission Madhya Pradesh. This facility deals with the acute treatment and rehabilitation of substance use disorder patients. Addiction Treatment Facilities (ATF) is located in the premises of Primary Health Centre at Misrod in the outskirts of Bhopal. The services of the ATF are funded by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MOSJE), Government of India through Technical coordination and control of National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC), AIIMS Delhi. Department of Psychiatry at AIIMS Bhopal is the recipient of funding support from MOSJE/NDDTC AIIMS Delhi to run the services of ATF at Misrod. The ATF at Misrod mainly provides OPD services for clients of drug use with medical and psychosocial treatment facilities. It caters to the pockets of drug users’ populations in the adjoining areas.

Team Member

Designation Name Profile
Nodal officer/Team In-charge Prof. (Dr.) Vijender Singh View
Nodal officer/Team In-charge Dr. Tamonud Modak View
Medical officer NAVYA RAJEEV View
Medical officer Shadab Azeem Mohammad View
Counselor Mr. Sahib Kumar Sunani View
Counselor Shalendra Vishwkarma View
Nurse Mrs Ambika Mridha Haldar View
Data Manager Jagdish Chouksey View
Data Manager Mr. Deepak Sahu View
Contact Details

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Bhopal

Address : Department of Psychiatry, AIIMS Bhopal, Saket Nagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh - 462020

City : Bhopal , Pincode : 462020

District & State : Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Helpline No :0755-2835009

Email :

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